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Submit Health Guest Post

After huge requests from lots of Authors we’ve decided to allow Guest Posting on our web blog HealCity.com. We would humbly appreciate the contribution of guest posting related to health and healing of any valuable content to enrich the resources of our portal and knowledge of our readers.

Please follow the instructions for writing Guest Posts:

  • The content must be at least of 1000 words (maximum 3000 words) with no fluff.
  • The guest post should be well written in English without Spelling and Grammatical errors.
  • It should have relevancy with the theme of HealCity. i.e Healthcare, Beauty, Fitness, Healing & Alternative therapies etc.
  • Don’t stuff your Content with Keywords.
  • Please don’t request us with posts related to Pharmaceutical products, Penis Enlargements, Viagra etc.
  • We’ll accept only Quality and Unique content. Make sure that it’s not been published anywhere.
  • Please don’t use any hate, obscene or threat messages about any person, product or organization in your content.

Guidelines to Follow:

  1. Content: Must be Unique and Well Structured.
  2. Enrich: The content should be useful, informative, richly detailed and original.
  3. Copyright Issues: Don’t send copied content. We will thoroughly check your content for plagiarism before publishing it on our site. Your account will get banned permanently for repetitive submission of Copied Content.
  4. Author Bio: You are allowed to have link and add your social networking sites from the Author Bio Section.
  5. Back links: You are free to self promote your other contents by adding 1 back link in the body of your post where applicable. But, we don’t encourage affiliate links in guest posts, please don’t include them.
  6. No Deception: Your title must match your content; Link text must not be deceptive or spammy.
  7. Images & Videos: Power up and make your post appealing by adding relevant Images and Videos.
  8. Credit: If you use images, videos, audios, pod casts, presentations, quotations or infographics of some other resources then don’t forget to show them respect by giving them the credit. Be humble and honest.
  9. Rights to Content: After the Content is published on our blog, HealCity.com will own the full rights to the content. If you want to republish it, you have to mention the post URL and HealCity.com as the original source of the article with prior permission from us.

Share to Get Exposure:

After the content is published, share it from your social networking sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin, Twitter etc. because these can give you and your article a solid exposure you could ever imagined.

How to Submit?

Pitch us with your content topic and brief from our contact us page. Once any of our editor replies you, send your content with relevant images (don’t forget to show the courtesy for copied ones) and category (you can suggest categories or subcategories).

  • Don’t forget to add a Meta description within 155 Character.
  • Mention your Author Bio Section with Author’s Image.

Review Process:

We will approve and publish your article fast if it’s appropriate with our guest postings norms. If you have any queries feel free to Contact Us.